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Customer Success Stories

Read about how law firms, corporations, and government agencies have achieved success with Everlaw.

Barnes & Thornburg + Everlaw

Across 22 offices and 800+ legal professionals, this Am Law 100 firm is empowering its teams to take control of the ediscovery process, from litigation support staff to the corner office, with technology that is powerful, reliable, quick, and easy to use. Learn how.


James Manari
Vice President, Elevate

Sher Edling

Stephanie Biehl


Benjamin Llinas
Ediscovery Manager

Harness IP

Penny Jones-Magee
Litigation Support Specialist

Travers Smith + Everlaw

The goal of the eData team at Travers Smith is to help their legal teams help themselves. To do so, this Silver Circle law firm leverages powerful but accessible software to put their internal partners in control, from edisclosure to data management, while ensuring that work is done correctly and efficiently. See how.